Time to Clean those Sanitary and Storm Lines
As the cleaning of both storm water and sewer lines are in full swing now. Some questions you have to ask yourself. Am I being the most efficient and environmentally sound? Especially now with high costs of fuel, and in some cases the use of water resources. Not to mention the amount the expense of labor.
We at NozzTeq® have aways look at these issues long before the high costs that we are all experiencing today. One way to combat or minimize these costs is to insure your equipment is operating at the most efficient pressure.
A poorly designed nozzle without any scientific design is not the most efficient way to clean. When a nozzle creates turbulence inside the nozzle as a result of the poor design, you will use more fuel, and water to clean those lines, which also add more hours spend on site.
Something to look at are the inserts worn, or in the case of a drilled nozzle (Tier 1) are they out of round (egg shaped) where you can obviously see a groove or wear has formed around the insert.
Take for example the Jaws® nozzle or the BL Swiper® with their Tier 3 design which allow you to operate at lower pressure to accomplish the cleaning that is required along with the reduction of the use of the natural resources i.e., fuel and water. Not to mention lowering the hours spent on site. The turbulence inside the nozzles is reduced to approximately 3%.
This same design holds true also for our CRAY® Bottom cleaners for those larger diameter sewer lines and Storm water lines.
When you increase the efficiency of the water as it flows through the nozzle, you not only increase your efficiency of cleaning, but you will also reduce the amount of fuel and water consumption, and reduce the time spent on site. Another thing to consider is the that each time you are jetting a line, the wear and tear that is being done to the inside of the pipe remember you are jetting lines with high pressure that were originally designed for much lower pressures in some case gravity flow.
Something to consider, would you rather clean that line in 1 or 2 passes depending on the amount of debris or having to do the same line in 10 more passes.
In conclusion, determine the most efficient nozzle to accomplish the task at hand whether it is sanitary or storm line. Make sure the nozzle is has an efficient flow design and is not worn out to reduce the use out water, fuel and wear and tear on the equipment and personnel. Be Safe Out There!